Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to another academic year and I hope you all had a wonderful summer break! The school has returned to the happy chatter of students in the classrooms. It is beginning to look familiar and there is an atmosphere of celebration of that familiar routine returning.

Students are getting used to their routine and have settled well in their classrooms. From Week 2, all teachers have started to assign weekly homework to all year levels (Foundation to Year 6). Homework is intended to be a positive experience that encourages children to learn. Teachers assign homework to help students review, apply, and integrate what has been learned in class.

All year levels are encouraged to read readers every night and Foundation to Year 3 classes have reading journals where they can record their readings and parents can sign or enter comments about their reading. Research shows that children who are good readers tend to achieve better across subjects, not just English.

At Sirius College, we use Reading Eggs and Mathletics programs to assign weekly homework assignments to all year levels. All class teachers have given usernames and passwords to their students. Year 1 to Year 6 students have an Oxford Maths homework book as well and teachers have given printed outlines of the homework to all students.

Please encourage children to complete their tasks and support them when needed. Homework can also bring parents and teachers closer together—parents who supervise homework and assist their children with assignments learn more about their children's education and about the school.

We use SEQTA to communicate with parents. Teachers enter results of different ongoing assignments or tests on SEQTA throughout the term and parents can view them as soon as they are entered. Please familiarise yourself with the app to track the progress of your child at school.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office to book an appointment with the relevant person and we would be happy to help you.

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation.

Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Teaching and Learning Coordinator